Friday, July 29, 2016

Hello you nasty little pancreas.

  • Cheese/Pizza
  • Certain Red Sauces
  • Viruses
  • Over Exertion/Lack Of Sleep
A big Thank You to the latest addition to the list of "Things that will set off JJ's pancreatitis." Saddened and confused as to how to restrict certain things in JJ's life.

Our fun get away in the beginning of July plus an extra sleepover plus late night baseball games equals a small (couple day) episode. Starting night football practices plus an extra sleepover equals a small episode currently. Heart breaking to know that he may have been embarrassed to walk off the practice field tonight in pain. The love that this kid has for football is amazing. So tell me, how are we as parents supposed to restrict things that make our kid a kid, or restrict things that make him smile? Not just that little side grin-- that huge, show my teeth, I'm so proud, look at me mom and dad, smile. Sigh.

Do not let it define him as a person. Jaylen is not acute recurrent pancreatitis. Pray for relief. Pray for healing. Pray for parents to do the right thing when it seems as if there is no right thing to do.



  1. Love you Jay bug!!
    You are the strongest kiddo out there!
    Stay strong mama, you're doing a great job!!

    Love you all! ♡

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  3. Love you sister you guys are stronger than you feel ((hugs)) to you and Jay
