Sunday, August 2, 2015

August 2015

Long time. Many Appointments.  SPINK 1 mutation with nothing else.  Certain marinara sauces cause a pancreatitis flare (mainly carry-outs), along with heavy dairy (cheeses etc), and viral infections.  Pediatric pancreatitis is one of the most painful things to see your child go through. Milwaukee Children's Hospital said there is nothing wrong with his immune system, no Cystic Fibrosis mutations, and no other hereditary mutations (other than SPINK 1).  We are stuck. Lucky to NOT have a huge flare up since beginning of March 2015.  Watching the clenching, vomiting, and pain that JJ goes through is nothing I look forward to.

Today is JJ's 10th Bday.  I am thankful for him in general, but am super thankful that he has had no pain at all today. Thank you Lord! Even though he has had Buffalo Wild Wings and strawberry shortcake--lol! I look at him and see many good things:  passion for life, football, baseball, God, education, and such a will to please.  It is my prayer that he continues and doesn't let pediatric pancreatitis get in his way.

I wish I could take it from you Jaylen... Mom